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Group Coaching w/Stacey

This coaching plan is for groups of 2 or more. Each participant signs up individually. Grab a friend and make each other accountable following the SR FiT group coaching program together. If you need support and guidance, this is the place for you. Learn how to live a sustainable healthy and active lifestyle.

Plan Includes

  • Personal assessment for each participant

  • Fitness & weight management evaluation & goal setting

  • 4 Group sessions a month / once a week/ 45 minutes each

  • Customized exercise plan designed specifically for the individual to reach their specific goals

  • Nutritional guidance on what to eat to reach any specific weight goals

  • In-app messaging and text support 24/7

How it works

  • Purchase the plan! Grab a friend or family member and commit together!
  • Complete the onboarding questionnaire after logging into the app
  • Instructions and personalized schedule from your Coach will arrive in 24-48 hours
  • Follow workouts, log nutrition and other metrics
  • Connect with me should you have inquiries via in-app chat or 1-1 video calls



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